
some comments about my 2nd semester

So far, I have already got used to the way of studying here. These days I am feeling very busy but significative. Now Im feeling that I am learning business, not only the theory. I like the way what lecturers use here to inspire us with creative business ideas. They also invite several guest lectureres to show us their real experiences at workplace. You know my friends, Chinese business is based on relationship, good relationship between each other is the foundation of everything. And we thought Western people are doing business based on principle. Actually, they treat relationship as important as us. But a little different from us, they begin to build good relationship before they have an intention to do business with the people involved. Think about this, is it a easier way than start dealing with relationship during business?

2 条评论:

  1. can i do a business with u ? hahaah

  2. sure man. However, it is a huge potential nightlife market for me in my hometown
